Today was so awful. I can't remember the last time I had a day as bad as today. There were some breaks from misery, but, it was just a bad day. Mimi was a wreck literally from the minute she woke up this morning, and since it was my morning to get up with the girls while Josh slept in a little, I was with a crying, fussing baby since 5:45am. I had a whole post written about the day, but really the details don't matter. Thankfully the day ended on a high note, but still, by the time the girls went to bed I was a deflated mess.
In an effort to go to bed thinking happy thoughts instead of wretched ones, here are some of the evening's highlights:
Delma was sucking down a chocolate shake in the car while I drove around to get us out of the house and to get Mimi to take an extra nap before dinner... Delly was so in love with that shake, after a few mintes she stopped drinking and looked at me and gushed "Thank you, Mommy." Oh, my bursting heart.
After dinner Mimi tried finger foods for the first time. Banana. She had a few bites and chewed well -- but she was more interested in grabbing and playing with it than eating it, which was fine since it kept her amused for a while.
Then Mimi took a bath without her infant seat for the first time. She had a total blast, splashing water and chewing on bath toys. She didn't even come close to slipping, she's such a sturdy thing. Delma loved hanging out with us and "helping" me. She kept asking, "How you doing down there, Mims? You having fun in your bath?" (But when she says "your bath," it sounds like "you baff." So cute.)
Now it's me and a beer on the couch, watching Supernanny. I'm just too spent to do any fun crafting, which is such a waste of a free night (Josh is out at a gig). Oh well.
Tomorrow is a new day, etc etc. Serenity Now!